Tuesday, March 9, 2010

When I look at you, what I always see....

I spend a lot of time sitting next to this girl. staring at her. I love her profile. Her long eyelashes. Her big cheeks. Her full lips. Her eyebrows expressing such concentration. Her pug little nose. Her wispy hairline that leads to very curly, and sometimes nappy, hair around her crown.
I love this view.


Kim said...

She is beautiful! No doubt about it.

::lindsay said...

Love her.

Earl Family said...

That is precious.

Colleen said...

Just doing some catching up! Qiana is and has always been such a beautiful little girl! She is so lucky to have a mommy that loves her so much and you do right by her in all that you do! Hang in there on the "Terrible Twos" stuff...it DOES start long before two, and actually gets better once they start talking/understanding more and more after they turn two.