It was such a nice weekend here in Moses. Friday we hung out outside for a little bit...Q, quickly made herself at home in one of the camping chairs, and was so exited to be outside....too bad she didn't get in on the s'more action before it was bed time...they were delicious.
Then saturday we spent time outside in the freshly mowed lawn (thanks Robert). Q was fascinated with all the flowers, and then moved on to throwing the gravel in the driveway. It was so nice out, that I just sat on the steps or the lawn and watched her entertain herself. Oh I love summer.
On friday I had to work (usually I just work m-th), so Emily watched Q for me...and judging from these pictures I think they had fun.
note: this lawn is pre-mowing...yeah it was out of control
We are lovin' the summer weather, too!
Q looks absolutely gorgeous in these pictures!!!
(I had to laugh when I saw the grass in those pictures...glad you talked someone in to mowing for you!)
I'm hoping summer is here too, but with our cloudy rainy weather today it looks like we will have to wait a bit longer for another weekend like this one. What an adorable little girl you have!
Those pictures are awesome! You are getting to be quite the photographer with the hipstamatic app.
wow...that is some grass...I am sure Robert is glad you posted pictures of how long it was because I am sure him mowing it was some job!!
omg she is Gorge!
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