Tuesday, November 18, 2008

hold on little girl...

I said one of the good things (and there are many) about emily moving in was that there would be someone around to take pictures of cute things qiana does. I was worried that down the road qiana would look through her picture box and wonder why there weren't many pictures of her first few months, let alone any pictures with her and her mommy. well folks here they are. Qiana loves holding my fingers, it seriously calms her down in almost any situation.

Here are pictures of her holding her bottle. Notice again that she is grabbing my finger. It's our little thing.

and here is one of my favorite people in the whole world. My cousin Nick. Love him.


Stephanie Kay Moore said...

I'm so glad she moved in!

Mandi said...

She gets cuter every time I see her! You look GREAT too!

Aly said...

How does your hair look so great every time you are in a picture? Seriously, I need to actually fix mine sometimes. You are totally showing me up.