Friday, January 14, 2011

Shake your groove thang, shake your groove thang...

My childhood was filled with video games, but once the controllers got more complicated than up, down, left, right, start, select, a, and b...I was done. I became the observer. But Christmas weekend, I went with Jared and Lindsay over to some friends of theirs to eat, hang out, and try out their new Xbox Kinect. No that's my kind of video game.  This thing was amazing, and so much fun. Although, I think the funnest part was watching Jared do all the different games. Jared jumping up and down as he wight water rafted=funny, Jared running or swinging his arms to do a long jump or diskus throw=belly laugh...but Jared doing his best moves in dance game=outright the best laugh I've had in a long time.

I present...Jared...

Sorry Jared, something this great just has to be shared!


Kacey Nielsen said...

I love it. Dance Kinect made my life a happier place for the brief moment it was around. So fun.

I am really hoping these will inspire my mom to share the videos of Trevor and Brad... just fantastic.

ashleyboice said...

I love it.

Kim said...

I don't think I will ever get sick of seeing that!!

dirty>south said...

this post is terrible.....