Thursday, July 5, 2012

girls just wanna have fun...

Oh I do love summer! Most days you can find us having fun playing in parks, playing in the water (at home, seven peaks, or another pool, and playing with family and friends!
the girls practicing their floating.

aaron being one of the girls

friend train!

look at that face...

what's going on here...

Oh just Q enjoying some chinese water torture from Elsie

 Plus, seeing a couple great movies doesn't hurt either.

I took the girls to see Madagascar cute. Afro Circus

Kim, Elsie, Q, and I watching some Brave....Q insisted on a bow and arrow right after.

So that's what we've up to. 


Kim said...

They were doing the water torture on each other forever. They loved it!

It's been a fun summer!

Piper said...