it was a bad week. one moment i was living in a foggy oblivion, the next i was crying for no reason, and the next i wanted people to leave me alone. in my life, i try to surround myself with people or things that bring me joy but sometimes these things let me down. my mood is often determined by the people or events that occupy my life, and this week some events and some people set a bad mood. i know i must brush it off and rely on myself for joy, but sometimes it's hard to bounce back after being hurt.
Love ya!
I'm sorry you've had a bad week. I hope you feel better!
I am commenting because sometimes I write something sad or my thoughts and people don't comment. They are like ohhh...don't want to go there. I am not only going to comment when you are happy...clever and funny but also when you are sad and insightful. hahaaa. I love you both ways. Can't wait until dance party 2007.
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