Well it's that time. To tell about my baby story.
Don't worry I will spare you some of the grosser details, cause frankly I'm not an over-sharer, and to be honest I had my eyes closed through most of it cause even I couldn't bare to see too much. Everyone kept saying that my crazy modesty issues
would change once I had a baby, but I'm here to say...nope...nope they haven't. I still get way uncomfortable and slightly
embarrassed even thinking about how many people have now seen WAY too much of my personal
bizness. But anyway. Maybe in the future I will want to look back on this time and be reminded of the some of the details (although I'm pretty sure if I can still remember a dance I made up to
Rockin Robin in the 5
th grade I will still remember every detail of this little
doozy of an experience...with or without the written documentation..but here it goes anyway.

I checked in to the hospital
Sunday evening for an induction, since it was now 5 days since my due date, and miserable couldn't even describe my state. Around 7 they inserted some hormonal suppository that was to basically tell the cervix "hey! time to work here...now get to it". I sat in the hospital bed, hooked up to all sorts of machines, watching the amazing race and cold case)
kim and
emily came to entertain me, and just waited for something to start happening. into the later night around 9 or 10 I started feeling some contractions, which was a good sign but I still
wasn't dilating much...which sucked. Around midnight they hit me with another suppository and this one apparently did it's job. all of the sudden the contractions, which until this point just felt like really painful menstrual cramps, turned into full blown stabs of pain that
pretty much didn't quit. There came a point where I couldn't even sit still and just walked around my hospital room talking to myself and playing inner games of six degrees of separation...but nothing helped distract from the pain. They had given me a couple doses of pain
meds, but they were complete child's play and didn't do much. Around 5am I was finally
dilated to a 3 and they moved me into the birthing room and hooked me up with an epidural. Kim was there at this point, which was
nice cause I used her hand to squeeze a couple times during the contractions of death until the epidural kicked in. Once that little shot from heaven kicked in I was good to go. We hung out in the birthing room sleeping and watching
HGTV until about 10 and my body was finally ready to get this little bundle of joy out. The whole legs in the air, pushing until you can't breathe
experience lasted about 37 minutes and
Qiana Tamara Bates was born 10:37 am.

Kimmie cut the cord and the nurses and doctor cleaned off
Qiana before they even set her near me (we had discussed how grossed out I was about the whole bodily fluids thing). Once they were done weighing her and doing all those medical things, I finally held my little girl!

We had visitors right away, and
Qiana was such a good girl.

The hospital stay was nice, but having people waiting on you gets kind of old when they wake you every few hours for a blood pressure check or what not. And having to watch live tv was pretty much the equivalent to medieval torture, and I was ready to come home. I did get lots of visitors, which was a nice change of pace to the overall boring days.

After leaving the hospital on
wednesday, I came to stay with Kim and her crew for a couple of days so Kim could help out during the day.
Qiana and I made it through our first night together okay so hopefully that is a good sign of things to come. It's been fun watching Elsie with
Qiana. She is so sweet with her, an so fascinated by the baby that is now always around. She is having some slight issues with jealousy when it comes to Aunt
Gi Gi's attention, so I'm trying to still give her loves when I can.

Overall things are going well, and hopefully I can keep that up. I have a sweet little girl, who I pretty much can't stop staring at...sometimes I think she is giving me a look that says "seriously? you still just looking at me...." but I love it.
Qiana is money gold.
Congrats! She's beautiful. I hope things continue to go well! Oh...and I love her name!!!
Yeah!!! She is so cute. And coming from someone who remembers everything...there is something about having kids that makes you forgetful...so you will be glad you wrote about it.
Yay Angie! I've been anxiously awaiting this post and wish I could've been there to be one of your visitors at the hospital. She's adorable! Can't wait to meet her.
Oh she is perfect. I love her eyes and her sweet little face.
I love reading the birth story. 'Contractions of death', LOVED that.
Good job girl. Beautiful baby.
She's beautiful Angie. Congratulations! Glad Kimmie was there with you. Big loves to you all.
You and the baby look great. I also wish that I could come and see you and Qiana. I hope she is a good sleeper!
Our babies were the exact same size! She is beautiful angie. Congratulations!
Can't wait to see her this weekend.
So beautiful. I'm glad things are going well. Just keep staring at her! That is what you will remember when she is ten. That is one of my fondest memories of my first baby. Just staring at her!
She's beautiful Angie! Glad everything went well! Just keep staring, seriously, she will change and grow so fast and you don't want to miss any of it.
Beautiful baby Angie! Hope you continue to feel well. I remember staring at Cannon so much I swear I could watch each one of his eyelashes grow dark. That's your only job right now, falling in love with your baby.
Wow...she is so beautiful angie. I have just been waiting to see pictures. Congratulations. I can't wait to see her in person...seriously adorable.
I love her already. She is really is one of the cutest newborns I have seen. Congratulations! Please take care of yourself...rest when you can!
Angie - - I've been checking every day and love seeing your beautiful little one and hearing your story - - great version a la Angie!!! I hope it's not forever til I get to see you all!
Love ya - - Janice W and all the Woodruffs
WOw Angie she is perfect, Some time you see babies that aren't so cute and you have to tell the proud new parent how adorable their new baby is... this is not one of those cases! SHE IS ADORABLE! I'll come and see her when you are ready for some visitors... Congrats and so great to see pictures finally! -nena
She's so pretty! Congratulations on your daughter. Please keep us updated with more pictures as she grows.
Mary R.
Wow...you definately made a beautiful baby girl! Her eyes are so alert and her lips are perfect!!!
Hope you two get rested and start your journey together!
Congrats Angie! I know you'll be a good mom!
She is precious! I can't wait to see more pictures. They change SO fast! Good job, I am glad it went well!
what a beautiful baby
i cried a little bit. oh and by the way your hair looks sooo cute in your pictures. Love the name. So so cute.
Oh, my goodness! She is sooo beautiful! There wasn't ever a doubt that she wouldn't be. Now that I've said that umm... let's just call this pay back!!! So first I hear that you had Qiana (who is going to have a huge attitude!! it just goes with the name);), from Vera yesterday, and then Keith marches in flashing a picture of his newest and prettiest niece. How many times do I have to tell you, I didn't even know that I was preg. with elijah. Imagine my surprise when I went to the hospital with stomach cramps, and they told me I was in labor...:) are you buying this? Cause it's true. Then I just thought he would blend in and people wouldn't know. But you were the first person who figured out that he was a new addition to our family. Anyway, I will get your number from someone in my family, and call you. Congratulations!! You are both beautiful!!!
She is so amazing and so beautiful. I am so happy for you! It's amazing how much you can go through for someone you hardly even know. Congrats again.
Angie.. She is so precious! I wish that I were closer to you so that I could hold her! You look awesome and I am so excited for you. I absolutely love her name that is so beautiful and I love the way that you spelled it! Congrats!
Angie, congratulations, your daughter is beautiful. I am so glad she made it to the world safe and sound. Don't feel intimidated. No woman knows what she is doing when she has a baby. You will soon be the one living expert on Qiana. I am proud of you. I can't wait to meet this ADORABLE cousin!!!
She's a cute one. Great pictures. Congratulations.
so beautiful...
She is goregous angie...and it sounds like youare doing an awesome job already!!! She looks like a little island girl:-) you need to bring her to Hawaii!!!! Love ya
She is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful! What a sweet blessing! I am so happy for you and your new little family!
Congrats, Ang! She is BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy for you! You will make an awesome Mommy!
BTW, Love the name too!!!
congrats! she is bautiful! hope your doing well!!
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