This is her most common look. I think she's focusing on my face, or maybe she's staring at me thinking "so this is my life huh?"
Here she is sayin' "seriously?"
she does this thing with her lips that makes me laugh all the time. here are a couple pictures. The last one is my favorite because she added the cocked eyebrow...seriously cute right?

the last one:
"If you smell-la-la-la-low...what the'"
She's so cute. Can't wait to see her many faces in person. She looks like she's changed a lot since I last saw her.
All those baby faces are so great. I love the eyebrow! You may be in serious danger of major teenage tude someday with an eyebrow like that!
my girls all puckered their lips like that when they "warmed" their diapers :)
She's a QT AnG!
Oh my gosh...I love that last picture. She has changed so much!! I can't handle it. I don't know if I can wait another month to see her (and you...he he). Love you guys.
She really is a beautiful baby Angie.
she is so precious!-nena
She is so sweet. How is everything going? Did Kimmie move or just go out of town? Sad. I bet that is a huge adjustment.
I love baby faces! The last one just cracks me up. She is such a doll. I just love when you post photos of her. She is starting to look older already, sad.
Hey girlie! What brand is Q's argyle onesie? I LOVE it and thought maybe I could find one on ebay, so cute!!! Thanks!
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