I broke down a little bit yesterday, but decided that I probably didn't need that in my life so I'm tryin to be a big girl. But it's tough. For the last 10 months, and especially since my mom died, I have relied so much on my sister and her family for entertainment, love, companionship, and support and to not have them just a few minutes away is gonna be really tough. I'm gonna miss Elsie so much.
She is such a cute girl, who made me laugh so much....
plus she was such a great help with Qiana. She just loved her so much, and I'm sad that they won't have these times together....but I hope in the future that will change.
i know. not fair. we already miss them too.
At least you had them for a little while!
We miss you guys like crazy! Elsie's not going to know what to do without her GiGi and little baby Qiana to play with.
Oh, and why did you have to put the horrible picture of the four of us on here. Remember, I had Aaron redo the picture?! I think you need to switch that out...:)
Family is the best! I am so glad you had so much awesome help in these first weeks when everything is still so new and crazy at times. I am sure you will have a hard time keeping Kim and Elsie away for long!
Aw... I'm sorry =( It's not fun being far away from family. We are clear over here in Florida now with no family. My parents came for the birth of my baby and spent a week here with us. I was SOOOO sad when they left. Hang in there!
P.S. Qiana gets cuter and cuter in every post! =D Isn't it fun watching them change so quickly?
Ugh, it's so hard to be away from family. Your baby girl is SO adorable!
um, i totally met your sister at the gym the other day. It was fantastic. what are the odds. Seroiusly.
um, i totally met your sister at the gym the other day. It was fantastic. what are the odds. Seroiusly.
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