Qiana is 7 months old today.

Although physically she hasn't changed much from 6 months, her skills have definitely improved. She is now an official "roller" and now must be watched like a hawk when on the couch or bed cause she just flips over like crazy.
She is a professional "sitter" as well, and has minimized her topples over.

Although, truth be told, she much prefers to stand up...the bad thing is she cannot do this on her own, so my arms get quite the workout holding her for long periods so she can stand up like a big girl. She will whine and whine until I let her stand on her legs, and then everything seems all good.

Her eating of baby food hasn't improved much, although she humors me a little and will take a couple bites here and there...and snaw to death on baby bicuits or rice husks. But she sure does love sitting in her Bumbo and chewing on anything that she can reach for...even an empty spoon.

Sometimes she sits in her Bumbo and tries to do some crazy jedi-mind stuff to get objects closer...it has yet to work, but maybe if she's determined enough it might happen.
She is also talking, or more like babbling, like crazy...but like most babies refuses to perform on command and thus my effort of getting it on video was foiled. Although, this is a picture of me trying to get a picture, and her wanting to talk it out instead...

I'll keep working on the video, cause she really gets into it sometimes, and her little tongue moving fast in and out of her mouth is so freakin' cute.
She has also gotten into hitting my leg whenever I am burping her, and sometimes just for the heck of it she hits my face or head. I would say it was cute, but the girl has some power in the hand and it really doesn't feel awesome. I don't wear earrings that often, which is a good thing, cause she grabs for those things like crazy and that isn't too much fun. Whenever I wear glasses though she just stares at them, and has yet to grab for them....go figure.
Qiana still loves water, and now gets very annoyed if I take a shower and she is not involved. She loves playing in the water (both shower and bath), and I can't wait for pooltime...I think she is going to love it.
Although physically she hasn't changed much from 6 months, her skills have definitely improved. She is now an official "roller" and now must be watched like a hawk when on the couch or bed cause she just flips over like crazy.
She is a professional "sitter" as well, and has minimized her topples over.
Although, truth be told, she much prefers to stand up...the bad thing is she cannot do this on her own, so my arms get quite the workout holding her for long periods so she can stand up like a big girl. She will whine and whine until I let her stand on her legs, and then everything seems all good.
Her eating of baby food hasn't improved much, although she humors me a little and will take a couple bites here and there...and snaw to death on baby bicuits or rice husks. But she sure does love sitting in her Bumbo and chewing on anything that she can reach for...even an empty spoon.
Sometimes she sits in her Bumbo and tries to do some crazy jedi-mind stuff to get objects closer...it has yet to work, but maybe if she's determined enough it might happen.
She is also talking, or more like babbling, like crazy...but like most babies refuses to perform on command and thus my effort of getting it on video was foiled. Although, this is a picture of me trying to get a picture, and her wanting to talk it out instead...
I'll keep working on the video, cause she really gets into it sometimes, and her little tongue moving fast in and out of her mouth is so freakin' cute.
She has also gotten into hitting my leg whenever I am burping her, and sometimes just for the heck of it she hits my face or head. I would say it was cute, but the girl has some power in the hand and it really doesn't feel awesome. I don't wear earrings that often, which is a good thing, cause she grabs for those things like crazy and that isn't too much fun. Whenever I wear glasses though she just stares at them, and has yet to grab for them....go figure.
Qiana still loves water, and now gets very annoyed if I take a shower and she is not involved. She loves playing in the water (both shower and bath), and I can't wait for pooltime...I think she is going to love it.