This weekend the girls and I headed over to the Seattle area to see the tulips, eat good food, and just hang out.

It was a blast! The weather couldn't have been better, and the day was just so much fun.
We started out with a delicious meal at the Claim Jumper
my delicious macademia nut crusted halibut...yummmmm

although I think our eyes were bigger than our stomachs!
Then we spent a majority of the daylight hanging out in the tulips.

I just love it so much.

Although a lot of people stop and walk around the fields of tulips, I prefer to drive by those and head to the gardens.

Here you can...
1.see amazing tulips...these are my favorites!

my favorite picture of the day

2. Take cheesy photos in cardboard cut-outs...a favorite of ours.

I think Qiana may be taking after me in her "poses"
my shot last year...

her shot this year...

3. Embarrass ourselves by taking ridiculous shots or re-creating "senior pictures"
Michelle literally playing "leap frog"

the "action" shot

Michelle having to "work" for her beverage

BEFORE:Michelle and Emily posing for a cute shot by the flowers....

AFTER:Michelle and Emily tumbling over and causing quite a scene!

Michelle's senior picture

Emily's senior picture collection

My pictures.
I saw this one red tulip in the rows of white and had to take my shot by it.

4. Entertain a young baby with plenty to look at.
Qiana loved being outside and was completely content with riding in her stroller looking at all the flowers.

5. Buy wonderful tulips to bring home and delicious kettle corn. What a great time!

We also managed to do some shopping at my ol' stoppin grounds, alderwood mall, and ate a delicious "dive" in Bothell the Ranch drive-in.

We used to go here all the time when we were kids, and it pretty much looks the exact same as it always has....i love it.
Yesterday Qiana and I took some tulips to my mom

she loved them, so we brought her favorite colors to her.
I think Qiana enjoyed being outside and sitting in the sun

and perhaps visiting with grandma.

It was a blast! The weather couldn't have been better, and the day was just so much fun.
We started out with a delicious meal at the Claim Jumper
my delicious macademia nut crusted halibut...yummmmm
although I think our eyes were bigger than our stomachs!
Then we spent a majority of the daylight hanging out in the tulips.
I just love it so much.
Although a lot of people stop and walk around the fields of tulips, I prefer to drive by those and head to the gardens.
Here you can...
1.see amazing tulips...these are my favorites!
my favorite picture of the day
2. Take cheesy photos in cardboard cut-outs...a favorite of ours.
I think Qiana may be taking after me in her "poses"
my shot last year...
her shot this year...
3. Embarrass ourselves by taking ridiculous shots or re-creating "senior pictures"
Michelle literally playing "leap frog"
the "action" shot
Michelle having to "work" for her beverage
BEFORE:Michelle and Emily posing for a cute shot by the flowers....
AFTER:Michelle and Emily tumbling over and causing quite a scene!
Michelle's senior picture
Emily's senior picture collection
My pictures.
I saw this one red tulip in the rows of white and had to take my shot by it.
4. Entertain a young baby with plenty to look at.
Qiana loved being outside and was completely content with riding in her stroller looking at all the flowers.
5. Buy wonderful tulips to bring home and delicious kettle corn. What a great time!
We also managed to do some shopping at my ol' stoppin grounds, alderwood mall, and ate a delicious "dive" in Bothell the Ranch drive-in.
We used to go here all the time when we were kids, and it pretty much looks the exact same as it always has....i love it.
Yesterday Qiana and I took some tulips to my mom
she loved them, so we brought her favorite colors to her.
I think Qiana enjoyed being outside and sitting in the sun
and perhaps visiting with grandma.
simply beautiful... all of it!
ohhhhhh, the ranch drive in. i want to go to there.
Millions of beautiful tulips, three beautiful women, and one beautiful baby!!!
Tell Emily she was the best wardrobe ever. Love that girl!
Wow, that sounds like a great weekend. I love seeing the tulips. That's so cool that took some out to know she loved that! (By the way, Qiana's rolls in that last picture are amazing!)
I was just going to say that! That dress looks super adorable on her!
It was the funnest ever, I know I had a great time!
Oh man, what a great tradition for you to keep carrying on, Angie. I love the tulips on your mom's grave. Perfect.
OH!! How fun!! You guys all look so cute! I got teary eyed when I saw the picture of you guys taking tulips to your mom.... I miss her!
By the way, you look fabulous in those pictures!
I second that, Angie! I'm so lame at commenting on blogs- the only thing I keep wanting to say is how ridiculously beautiful Quiana is! This time I'll also add - - so is her mom!!! Georgeous - all of you!! And you gotta love Seattle, right?!! Who wouldn't??? Miss you guys!
and . . . always missing your mom. So cool you posted your fotos of Quiana and tulips, visiting her-she's lovin' that!
I really think of you and your mom every time someone mentions the tulip festival. I still have the poster she gave me. So thoughtful of you to take her flowers with Qiana.
The whole weekend looks like a blast. I'm so glad you had a good time. I'm ordering that next time I'm at Claim Jumper. Yum!
How fun that Qiana is one of the girls! Beautiful pictures!
and.... is Michelle wearing a SNUGGIE??
I love tulip festivals! I need to go to the one at Thanksgiving Point. You look great and Qiana is so adorable.
What a fun trip you had. I love Qiana's rolls in the pics at your mom's gravesite.
So pretty, I would love that! I have to say, you look AMAZING! Gorgeous, love the hair. Qiana...well, we all know she is freakin' precious.
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