Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thank you for being a friend....

At the end of December, our Clinton moved back to Idaho, to "try his hand at farming".  We sure do miss our Coco.  We miss the Saturday morning stop by's with Q and I looking super carny in our bed head hair and pajamas. We miss the pizza parties, and movies. Q misses running around his perfectly pristine home, and playing with his tractor toys. Thanks Coco, for hanging out, the presents for Q, and being our friend!
We miss you Coco. 

This was Clinton's christmas present for Q:
It says "Coco is my homeboy"...and it's true. 


camery said...

I can't believe he moved?!? That's no good. I assume you guys already have a road trip planned?

More than than, I can't believe how OLD your daughter is! How is that possible? She is beautiful and looks like such a fun girl!

Emily Katlyn West said...

I for one am glad Clinton is gone... he was really making me look bad! I hope he stays at the store FOREVER! :)