So this past saturday I took Qiana down to tri-town to get her pictures taken. I am a major planner and was proudly organized. Our appointment was at noon, so I got there around 11:15 with plenty of time to feed her, change her diaper, and put on her christmas dress and be ready with smiles for our appointment. Apparently the group in front of me did NOT follow this plan. They had an appointment at 11:30 and got there a few minutes before noon...AND THEY TOOK THEM BACK BEFORE ME!! So Qiana... who was feeling good, smiling like crazy, and completely chill had to wait a little over 30 minutes to get her pictures taken. Talk about frustrating. She did okay, but I fear she wasted her most precious smiles on me while we waited. After about 15 minutes of picture taking she was done and just wanted to snuggle. Here are some of the pictures that came out.
I won't show you my favorites cause those will be featured on the cards coming soon!

You are now a true mom, having gone through one of the most gut-wrenching experiences ever...the photo shoot. I seriously cringe even thinking about it. I know that in my experience...By the time its my turn, the kids are having a meltdown, and look horrible. She looks awesome though Angie. Can't wait for my card! hee.
I love the dress! Can't wait to see your favorites.
Wow! Can't wait to see the "good" pics cuz the ones you posted are so cute! Planning and being prepared is more than half the battle with little ones! What a good Mommy!!!
That is so aggravating! Did you say anything or at least give a look that says "Are you seriously going to take them before me?" Please tell me there was a look! She is so cute. I can't wait to see the other pics. I think you have our email address but it is cuz I want to be on that list.
Love them, they are precious.
I'm like Cali, I have serious anxiety when it comes to photo shoots. I love that polka dot dress, adorable. She is just so cute, I can't wait to see your favorites too!
I love that you are a master planner. Really, I could use a few pointers. Probably more than a few, ha!
OH!! So cute!! I seriously love the dress, so precious!!
Seriously, these were not your favorites?! That's pretty amazing!
precious precious
They call me Cute Qiana back home because I earned it!. . . . I seriously can;t wait for when she starts coming home from school and asking you why she's so pretty!
Arg!! I totally know that frustration. I finally stopped going to a studio because I would end up hopping mad--which isn't good for helping produce smiles in children.
Looks like they got some good ones, though. They grow so fast. *Sigh*
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