Christmas eve we did the traditional "earl family" get together, which is always filled with good food and entertainment. Don't know how many other families have a talent show every christmas eve...but we do! I think my favorite part of the night was seeing my 83 year old grandma dancing to chris brown's "forever"...yep it was as awesome as you might be picturing.
After the earl festivities I drove down to tri-town to spend the night with jared's family. That trip down there pretty much sucked. I have driven in some crappy winter weather before, but this one took the cake. It was snowing soooooooo hard, and the roads were just covered. I drove 30 mph almost the whole way, only knowing I was on the road because i kept hitting the bumps on the side and middle of the roads if I veered too far to one side. It was insane. I was so happy that my little girl just slept so good the whole time in her car seat as we listened to rockabye baby tunes (rock songs made into instrumental lullabies...yeah pretty awesome!). By the time I got to tri-town my knuckles were so sore, and I was ready to relax.
Overall christmas was good, and i am thankful for the memories that were made.
last night jill baker commented about how cute baby clothes are and how fun it is to shop for them...and it is so true. so true in fact that i had many "holiday outfits" for qiana, and managed to get them all in throughout the week long festivities. so here is an outfit recap.
her official christmas dress featured in her 3 months old pictures
one of her christmas onesie's...worn christmas morning.
a pretty gold and cream dress that she wore christmas eve
her santa's helper outfit....the boots pretty much make the outfit.
her other christmas onesie...i liked them both and couldn't decide which one to get so of course I bought both...I am my mother's daughter.
Hope everyone had a great christmas!
Way cute! I love those white boots!
You can never have too many christmas outfits. I'm impressed! Qiana is getting cuter and cuter...can't wait to see her soon. I can't believe I missed Grandma's performance! There's always New Year's!!
Ahhh, such beautiful dresses, how I wish! I am glad you guys had a great first Christmas together, even with the white knuckle drive!
ohhh, the drive home. what a suckfest. glad you and Q-tip could come up tho. We had fun.
but yeah, Christmas was a little weird.
Angie, are you playing dolls?
She is a beauty....and I completely agree on the shopping thing....
I'm so impressed you made the drive. I'm sure I would have ended up in tears.
I LOVE all baby girl's outfits. How in the world is she already 3 months. That's the magic age for me. I start to feel human again and they aren't quite as draining. Hope you are too.
Man I wish I could have seen your grandma dancing it up. Priceless.
Ugh... I ToTaLlY love the Santa's Helper outfit. Cutest ever! Wish I had my own baby to doll up!
We got your Christmas card in the mail the other day! So cute! Thank you!!!
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