Friday night was our friends christmas party and we had the girl over for fondue and other finger foods, presents, and games. It was good times.
Leave it to emily to try new things....
Michelle had come over earlier in the day and Qiana found the perfect spot to lay is this comfortable?
Saturday we headed to the Singles ward christmas function. My main reasoning for this was to get Qiana's picture taken with Santa. I have already posted before how I feel about most mall santa's so I thought getting her picture taken with a Santa I trusted was a great idea.
To fully grasp how cute her outfit was here are come pictures I took earlier in the day...
even us grown-ups got in on the action... rachel and I did not coordinate our outfits.
the singles ward was having an "ugly sweater" theme....emily does not usually look like this.
Well saturday night it started to snow like crazy, and pretty much didn't stop on sunday. My baby was getting a cough and running nose so we stayed indoors chillin on the couch watchin christmas movies.
We did try to work some more on "tummy time" throughout the weekend....yeah that isn't a very pleasant thing for either of us. But in pictures in did happen to catch what i like to call the
5 stages of Qiana's tummy time experience:
"um...what exactly are we trying to accomplish here?"
"just so you know I am not liking this very much, and I would highly suggest you pick me up"
"you are trippin'....seriously...pick me up"
"i warned you..."
"i still love you...but right now I'm not liking you very much and I would appreciate some time alone"
I love her Christmas outfit. totally cute! And her lips look so beautiful in those tummy time pictures. the pouty look really works for her!
Your baby is wayyyy toooo cuuuttte! Funny, my daughter hated tummy time too. Must be a girl thing :O) Hope Qiana feels beeter soon.
Ok so i don't think that she could get any cuter!!!! I love that outfit. She is such a beautiful little girl.. i can't wait to see her in real life and hold her! You are such a good mommy ang.. I'm so proud of you!!
Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
the last picture rules.
"No, just leave. No it's not you, it's me. no, just...just leave."
Good job, Mommy, tummy time is so important, even if it sucks! She looks like a model baby in that Christmas outfit! Those boots!
That Christmas outfit is the cutest thing I have ever seen! Although I don't think any other baby could do it justice. So adorable!
She is just so adorable!- I told you let me babysit her PLEASSSEEEE?-n
We really need a baby to love over here!-n
Her little boots are fabulous. Love them!
HAHA her expressions are so cute! I love her pouty face! Okay and the dress? SO CUTE!!
That night was so fun! I miss my girls!
The red christmas dress with boots are adorable. Love it.
cute cute cute! she's growing so fast... beautiful baby Angie! :) I love all the outfits it's so much fun to dress baby girls!
LOVE the Christmas outfit. This is making me very excited to have a little girl to dress up. What a great mommy you are!
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